Interview au salon Graines de Guitare 2014

Interview au salon Graines de Guitare 2014

Article et interview l’occasion du salon “Graines de Guitare” 2014 sur le site

Et aussi une vidéo sur Youtube :

prototype micro D90

Soon available the P90 alternative : the “D90”!

Before the D90ties launch here’s the first view of the soapbar version of the new D90.
For now on video of the prototype in action with Brice Delage at the “Beffroi de Montrouge” this year and soon another one by Etienne Prieuret at “G2G”

image synthese D90 image synthese D90

Holy grail guitar show 2014

November in Berlin

Holy grail guitar show 2014 Daguet guitars , will be very pleased to meet you all in the Holy Grail guitar show , where I will attempt with one hundred of luthiers Kameraden, on November 15th and 16th.